Here's a simple way to extract a list of switch/flags and their parameters from a command line argument in C#.
Regex regex = new Regex(@"(?< switch> -{1,2}\S*)(?:[=:]?|\s+)(?< value> [^-\s].*?)?(?=\s+[-\/]|$)"); string commands = "--switch value1 --switch2 \"c:\\folder 1\\file1.txt\" -switch-3 value-3 --switch4 -switch5"; List< KeyValuePair< string, string> > matches = (from match in regex.Matches(commands).Cast< match> () select new KeyValuePair< string, string> (match.Groups["switch"].Value, match.Groups["value"].Value)).ToList(); foreach (KeyValuePair< string, string> _match in matches) { Response.Write(" switch:" + _match.Key + " value:" + _match.Value); }
You can pass in a command with multiple switches such as "-switch" or "--switch":
--switch1 value1 --switch2 "c:\folder 2\file2.txt" -switch-3 value-3 --switch4 -switch5
the regex will extract the flags along with any optional values and return a list of key-value pairs.
I had looked at a couple of solutions such as and but I think this way is a bit simpler and returns better results.
Also, this way allows optional parameters which can contain file paths, you can test here